Cristina Enriquez

Cristina Enriquez

Cristina Enriquez

Occupational Therapist

Cristina Enriquez, OT Reg. (Ont) is an experienced OT who has worked with a variety of clients in the Philippines, Singapore, and Canada. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy in the Philippines and completed her Canadian certification with the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University. Cristina works with all age groups in both physical/functional rehabilitation and mental health settings, with the focus of her practice with adults in the community.

She has been practicing in Canada since 2010 and has been part of the Creative Therapy Team since 2015. She is a Certified Functional Capacity Evaluator and has extensive experience working within the auto insurance industry providing services to individuals injured in motor vehicle accidents. Cristina is a registered authorizer for ambulation aids with the Assistive Devices Program.

She was drawn to practice in Thunder Bay where she felt her skills would be best applied towards supporting the needs of an increasingly elderly population.
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